Email: Heike.Reise[/at/]
Tel.: (+49) (3581) 47605410
Fax: (+49) (3581) 47605499 (please announce by phone or email)
Address for post:
Dr Heike Reise, Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz, Am Museum 1, 02826 Görlitz, GERMANY
: 0009-0002-4089-2181
Click on picture below to start/stop video (1.8 Mb download)
Courtship of an undescribed Deroceras species from Turkey.
The video is playing at the natural rate (once fully downloaded); the rotation rate gradually declines over the 50 min courtship, but this video repeats after 80 s. During courtship the spoon-shaped sarcobelum of each slug merely rests on the partner's back; this is retracted before copulation when the rest of the penis everts rapidly to exchange sperm.
I work mostly on terrestrial slugs. Part of the research is taxonomic, but I am particularly interested in the elaborate genitalia and mating behaviour of these simultaneous hermaphrodites. Mating behaviour not only provides extra characters with which to establish species identity, but, because it is an isolating mechanism, may explain why some taxa are more speciose than others. We investigate the role of sexual selection and partner manipulation in explaining particular features of the mating behaviour and reproductive anatomy. Another aspect of my research has been genetic analysis, for instance to estimate outcrossing rates.
Currently much of my time is taken up as an editor of the journal Archiv für Molluskenkunde, the oldest continuously running malacological journal. Back to Contents
Mating behaviour of Deroceras slugs—with Joris Koene, Mandy Benke, Ines Schulze, Barbara Jäschke, Esther Carlitz, Stefanie Visser & John Hutchinson
Deroceras mating behaviour is long and elaborate, involving a prolonged courtship and then a more rapid mutual exchange of sperm between the extruded penises. A couple of videos available here show some of the spectacular behaviour. Reise (2007) reviews the interspecific diversity. Recently we have been focussing on the role of a penial gland that is everted over the back of the partner releasing a secretion. Since this occurs after sperm exchange, we suspect that its role is to manipulate the partner in some way (cf. the love darts of helicid snails). For instance, it might increase use of the donated sperm or hinder subsequent remating. A poster explains the idea, but since then experiments by a succession of M.Sc. students have tested some of these hypotheses.
Another approach that we are taking is to observe the mating behaviour of species in which particular parts of the penial morphology are unusually developed. For instance, Reise et al. (2007)
consider whether the spectacularly branched penial gland of D. gorgonium is associated with unusual mating behaviour in this species.
Another reason for examining mating behaviour is to provide extra characters for taxonomy. For example, by studying the mating behaviour of Deroceras collected in the Sächsische Schweiz, we have recognised that D. rodnae needs to be split into at least two species with very different courtship and copulation behaviours (link to paper and videos). Another example is our discovery that the mating behaviour of the widespread pest species formerly known as D. panormitanum does not correspond to that of the species originally described under this name, prompting us to redescribe the pest species as Deroceras invadens (link to videos). Most recently it was the distinctive mating behaviour of Deroceras cecconii that made us realise that this long-ignored species really was valid; it turns out to be rather common and widespread in Italy. Observations of its mating behaviour was valuable also in establishing homologies between the functionally important parts of its penis and those of related species.
Our observations of mating behaviour have been much facilitated by the development of a digital video system based on security systems.
Copulation of Deroceras cecconii. The finger-like penial glands are starting to evert over the partner to deposit a secretion:
the sperm masses have already been exchanged reciprocally (one is the off-white blob attached below trunk of gland).
CLICK HERE to see video from which this still came.
The spread of Arion vulgaris and its hybridisation with A. ater s.l.—with Edgars Dreijers, Anne-Katrin Schwarzer, Bettina Schlitt & John Hutchinson
We discovered the notoriously invasive and damaging slug Arion vulgaris in Görlitz in 1994. Regular sampling since then has shown it to have progressively replaced the native A. ater within the town. In the laboratory we have shown that the species will mate with each other and sometimes successfully exchange spermatophores, although at each successive stage of mating mixed couples more often failed to proceed further. Our paper compares the mating behaviour of each species in detail so to identify the difficulties of interspecific mating. While both species still coexisted we found morphological intermediates resulting from hybridisation. A paper describing their morphologies has also pointed out that our local populations of Arion ater derive from three different subspecies recognisable both morphologically and genetically: A. ater ater from Northern Europe, A. ater rufus from the British Isles, and A. ater ruber from western continental Europe. We have since confirmed these results by using microsatellite markers. Despite the occurrence of hybrids, it looks like there is little or no long-term introgression of A. ater genes into A. vulgaris. Microsatellites also reveal that within Görlitz are two or three races of A. vulgaris, which are only slowly mixing spatially and genetically. Further results from field observations of mating behaviour are awaiting publication.
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Remating, paternity and fecundity in Deroceras invadens—with Ines Schulze, Barbara Jäschke, Josefine Sauer, Christiane Matthieu, Sabrina Matton, Johanna Simchen & John Hutchinson
This species is our laboratory rat. We have found that individuals are willing to mate within a few days of an earlier mating, and by utilising three Mendelian colour morphs of this species, we can assess the paternity of offspring. Selfing is usually rare, yielding very small clutches apparently as a last resort in the absence of allosperm. Individuals mated to two partners often produced clutches of mixed paternity, but one father usually predominates. Lifetime fecundity is higher in double mated slugs than those allowed to mate only once. We are currently investigating the reasons for this by closely observing matings to see why sperm exchange sometimes fails and by measuring fecundity of slugs mated twice to the same partner. Most of these experiments have been carried out by M.Sc. students and by school-leavers working here for a year under the FÖJ scheme.
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Species boundaries in Deroceras slugs—with Stefanie Visser, John Hutchinson & Thierry Backeljau
Deroceras is the most speciose genus of terrestrial slugs;
most species are externally indistinguishable but distinctive in their genitalia and mating behaviour.
We have been mapping zones of contact between D. praecox and D. rodnae in the mountains of southern Poland
and between D. praecox and D. fatrense in the Mala Fatra mountains of Slovakia.
The species overlap very little. At one site a narrow mountain stream marks the border, but the genital morphology suggests some hybrids just where bridges cross.
In the Elbsandsteingebirge south of Dresden D. rodnae co-occurs with D. juranum, but they have a very narrow parapatric distribution, seeming not to correspond with any landscape features. These two species are closely related but never hybridise.
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Faunistic work on terrestrial slugs and snails—with John Hutchinson
Most of the slugs and snails found in synanthropic habitats in North America are from Europe.
Because there are relatively few workers on slugs and snails there, we have succeeded
in finding several new species there that have not previously been recognised. Our publications of these finds
include reviews of each species’ biology and ecology:
Boettgerilla pallens (an update reviews further North American records),
Aegopinella nitidula and
Tandonia budapestensis.
The latter species has considerable scope for becoming a pest, as does
Deroceras invadens,
whose range we have considerably extended into the Eastern USA. Regions where we have searched for synanthropic species include the Pacific Northwest, the Denver region of Colorado and the Salt Lake City region of Utah.
Like with many other groups, invasions from Europe to North America are much commoner than vice versa. An exception is Ted von Proschwitz's discovery of slugs from the Pacific Northwest arriving in Sweden on salal, used in the cut-flower trade; I helped with the identification. Also in Europe, we have extended the range of the slug
Deroceras turcicum, initially to the Czech Republic and Slovakia,
and later to Poland. Our paper (Reise & Hutchinson, 2001)
also discusses its considerable range of morphological variation so as to facilitate identification. By chance, we were the first to collect the introduced carnivorous slug Selenochlamys ysbryda, from a churchyard in Wales, although we were too slow-witted to appreciate it at the time! A finding of Milax nigricans in northern France prompted us to review other occurrences outside its natural range and to highlight which identification characters are most reliable. A couple of our papers examine the synanthropic slug fauna in our own town of Görlitz and over the adjacent border in Polish Silesia. Another discovery was that of Monacha claustralis, found on a field meeting of the Deutsche Malakozoologische Gesellschaft near Jena; this was the first report from Germany, but to be expected given its spread in Poland and the Czech Republic.
I helped to write up recent discoveries in Romania of the pest slug A. vulgaris. Our paper reviews occurrences elsewhere in SE Europe. In contrast, collections by Turkish colleagues of similar looking slugs from Istanbul turned out to be an invasion of Arion ater agg. More recently we have been collaborating with Ágnes Turóci and Barna Páll-Gergely about the slug fauna of Hungary.
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Allometry of genitalia size in Arion slugs—with John Hutchinson
Arion slugs are hermaphrodites with a long courtship finishing with reciprocal exchange of freshly manufactured spermatophores via everted genitalia.
Is size of the distal genitalia (parts involved in spermatophore manufacture, exchange and digestion, and sometimes stroking the partner) sexually selected:
i.e. do large individuals invest in relatively large genitalia to increase mating success?
Alternatively, genitalia much larger than the partner’s could cause incompatibility.
For five species collected throughout the year from one site, we weighed each slug, then dissected out the reproductive tract.
Relative weights of its proximal parts indicated maturity.
Adult mass varied intraspecifically 3.4–8.8-fold and interspecifically 43-fold.
As slugs mature the distal genitalia grow disproportionately fast, but within adults they scale with slight negative allometry (cf. isometry of the digestive gland and slight positive allometry of the whole reproductive tract).
Interspecifically the relationship is isometric.
The two almost obligate selfing species have relatively smaller genitalia than similarly sized congeners.
We have since measured allometry of various components of the reproductive system of the terrestrial snail Helix pomatia and the freshwater basommatophorans Stagnicola corvus and Stagnicola turricula. This was in collaboration with Bartek Gołdyn and Tereza Kořínková.
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A sinistral slug—with John Hutchinson & Mandy Benke
Reise et al. (2001) described a sinistral specimen of Arion lusitanicus;
this is only the 5th sinistral individual reported for any slug species.
Our attempts to mate our specimen with dextral conspecifics indicated that it was incapable of proceeding far with courtship.
We discussed the possible genetic basis of sinistrality in slugs, given the absence of sinistral siblings of three of the sinistral specimens reported.
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REISE, H. 1990. Untersuchungen zur Ökologie und Biologie der Amsel (Turdus merula) im Stadtzentrum von Leipzig (Aves, Passeriformes: Turdidae). Zoologische Abhandlungen Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde in Dresden45(18): 155–178.
REISE, H. & HANELT, M. 1991. Ökofaunistik und populationsdynamische Aspekte der Kleinsäuger eines Basaltberges in der Oberlausitz. In: STUBBE, M., HEIDECKE, D. & STUBBE, A.: Populationsökologie von Kleinsäugerarten. Wissenschaftliche Beiträge der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg1990/34: 299–309. Abstract and pdf to download
REISE, H. 1994. Funde der Landplanarie, Rhychodesmus terrestris (O. F. Müller, 1774), in der Oberlausitz (Turbellaria: Tricladida). Berichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft der Oberlausitz3: 89–90. Free pdf from journal
REISE, H. & BACKELJAU, T. 1994. Deroceras panormitanum (Lessona & Pollonera, 1882), sensu Giusti, 1986 in Ostsachsen (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Agriolimacidae). Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundemuseums Görlitz68(1): 71–76. Abstract and free pdf from journal
REISE, H. 1995. Mating behaviour of Deroceras rodnae Grossu & Lupu, 1965 and D. praecox Wiktor, 1966 (Pulmonata, Agriolimacidae). Journal of Molluscan Studies61: 325–330. Abstract and link to journal
REISE, H. 1996. Laboratory studies on courtship and egg laying of Deroceras rodnae Grossu et Lupu, 1965 and Deroceras praecox Wiktor, 1966. Malacological ReviewSuppl. 6: 15–19.
REISE, H. 1996. Electrophoretic comparision of Deroceras rodnae and D. juranum (Pulmonata, Agriolimacidae). Britsh Crop Protection Council Symposium Proceedings66: 315–320.
REISE, H., BACKELJAU, T. & SEIDEL, D. 1996. Erstnachweise dreier Schneckenarten und weitere malakofaunistisch bemerkenswerte Funde aus der Oberlausitz. Berichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft der Oberlausitz5: 39–47. Free pdf from journal
SCHNIEBS, K., REISE, H. & BÖSSNECK, U. 1996. Rote Liste Land- und Süßwassermollusken. Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie (Hrsg.), Radebeul.
REISE, H. 1997. Deroceras juranum—a Mendelian colour morph of D. rodnae (Gastropoda: Agriolimacidae). Journal of Zoology241: 103–115. Abstract and link to journal
REISE, H., BACKELJAU, T. & LIECKFELDT, E. 1997. Verhaltensbeobachtungen und molekulargenetische Methoden zur Untersuchung von Taxonomie und Reproduktionsbiologie terrestrischer Nacktschnecken. Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundemuseums Görlitz69: 191–198.
SCHNIEBS, K. & REISE, H. 1997. Auswertung des Herbsttreffens-Ost der DMG, 18.-20.10.1996 in Ottendorf (Sachsen). Erstfunde von Trichia lubomirskii und Arion alpinus. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft59: 33–36.
REISE, H. & SCHNIEBS, K. 1997. Deroceras rodnae Grossu & Lupu 1965 in der Sächsischen Schweiz (Sachsen) (Pulmonata: Agriolimacidae). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft59: 15–17.
JORDAENS, K., BACKELJAU, T., REISE, H., VAN RIEL, P. VERHAGEN, R. 1998. First record of Deroceras juranum outside the Jura mountains (Pulmonata: Agriolimacidae). Journal of Molluscan Studies64: 495–499.
JORDAENS, K., BACKELJAU, T., ONDINA, P., REISE, H. & VERHAGEN, R. 1998. Allozyme homozygosity and phally polymorphism in the land snail Zonitoides nitidus (Gastropoda, Pulmonata). Journal of Zoology246: 95–104.
JORDAENS, K., GEENEN, S., REISE, H., VAN RIEL, P., VERHAGEN, R. & BACKELJAU, T. 2000. Is there a geographical pattern in the breeding system of a complex of hermaphroditic slugs (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Carinarion)? Heredity85: 571–579.
The ecology and rapid spread of the terrestrial slug Boettgerilla pallens
in Europe with reference to its recent discovery in North America. Veliger43:313–318.
Abstract, pdf and update
REISE, H., ZIMDARS, B. JORDAENS, K. & BACKELJAU, T. 2001. First evidence of possible outcrossing in the terrestrial slug Arion intermedius (Gastropoda: Pulmonata). Hereditas134: 267–270.
FORSYTH, R.G., HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. & REISE, H. 2001. Aegopinella
nitidula (Draparnaud, 1805) (Gastropoda: Zonitidae) in British Columbia—first confirmed North American record. American
Malacological Bulletin16:65–69.
Abstract and pdf.
REISE, H. & HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 2001. Morphological variation in terrestrial slug Deroceras turcicum (Simroth, 1894), and a northern extension of its range in Central Europe. Folia Malacologica9:63–71.
Abstract and pdf.
REISE, H. & HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 2002. Penis-biting slugs: wild claims and confusions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution17:163.
Downloadable from here
REISE, H., BENKE, M. & HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 2002. A sinistral specimen of the terrestrial slug Arion lusitanicus (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Arionidae). Malakologische Abhandlungen Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde Dresden20:247–252.
Abstract, pdf and update.
OVASKA, K., CHICHESTER, L., REISE, H., LEONARD, W.P. & BAUGH, J. 2002. Anatomy of the dromedary jumping-slug, Hemphillia dromedarius Branson 1972 (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora: Arionidae), with new distributional records. Nautilus116: 89–94. Free access to article from BHL
REISE, H. 2004. Diversity of mating behaviour within Deroceras. Bulletin of the Malacological Society of London43: 11.
REISE, H., HUTCHINSON, J.M.C., FORSYTH, R.G. & FORSYTH T.J. 2005. First records of the terrestrial slug Deroceras turcicum (Simroth, 1894) in Poland. Folia Malacologica13:177–179.
Abstract and pdf.
REISE, H., HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. & ROBINSON, D.G. 2006. Two introduced pest slugs: Tandonia budapestensis new to the Americas, and Deroceras panormitanum new to the Eastern USA.
Abstract and pdf.
SCHNIEBS, K., REISE, H. & BÖSSNECK, U. 2006. Rote Liste Mollusken Sachsens. 2., überarbeitete Auflage, Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie (Hrsg.), Dresden. pdf to download from Saxonian state
REISE, H., VISSER, S. & HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 2007. Mating behaviour in the terrestrial slug Deroceras gorgonium: is extreme morphology associated with extreme behaviour? Animal Biology57:197–215.
Abstract and pdf.
REISE, H. 2007. Mating behaviour of Deroceras. Malacologist49: 14-15.
REISE, H. 2007. A review of mating behavior in slugs of the genus Deroceras (Pulmonata: Agriolimacidae). American Malacalogical Bulletin23: 137–156.
Abstract and pdf.
REISE, H. & HUTCHINSON, J.M.C. 2009. An earlier record of the slug Selenochlamys ysbryda from Brecon, UK. Journal of Conchology40:103.
Downloadable from here, with update.
Mating behaviour clarifies the taxonomy of slug species defined by genital anatomy: the Deroceras rodnae complex in the Sächsische Schweiz and elsewhere. Mollusca27:183–200.
Abstract, pdf, and videos.
BENKE, M., REISE, H., MONTAGNE-WAJER, K. & KOENE, J.M. 2010. Cutaneous application of an accessory-gland secretion after sperm exchange in a terrestrial slug (Mollusca: Pulmonata). Zoology113:118–124.
Abstract and updated preprint.
REISE, H. & ENGELMANN, W.E. 2011. Gehäuselose Landlungenschnecken (Nacktschnecken). Pp 402–412, 1091–1092, 1100–1103 in: ENGELMANN, W. E. & LANGE, J. (Eds), Zootierhaltung-Tiere in menschlicher Obhut. Wirbellose. Verlag Harri Deutsch, Frankfurt am Main. ISBN 978-3-8171-1684-3
REISE, H., KLAUSNITZER, B. & DREIJERS, E. 2011. Mollusken des Schafberges. Berichte der naturforschenden Gesellschaft der Oberlausitz. 18 Suppl.:219–22.
SCHNIEBS, K. & REISE, H. 2011. Bericht über die 24. Regionaltagung des Arbeitskreises Ost der DMG im Naturschutzzentrum Schloss Niederspree vom 15.-17.9.2006. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft. 84:47–52. Free pdf from journal
REISE, H., HUTCHINSON, J.M.C., SCHUNACK, S. & SCHLITT, B. 2011. Deroceras panormitanum and congeners from Malta and Sicily, with a redescription of the widespread pest slug as Deroceras invadens n. sp. Folia Malacologica19:201–223.
Abstract, pdf, and videos.
E. DREIJERS, H. REISE & J.M.C. HUTCHINSON 2013. Mating of the slugs Arion lusitanicus auct. non Mabille and A. rufus (L.): different genitalia and mating behaviours are incomplete barriers to interspecific sperm exchange. Journal of Molluscan Studies79:51–63.
Abstract, pdf, and video.
H. REISE 2013. Wie seziert man Nacktschnecken?
Mitteilungen der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft88:29–32.
J.M.C. HUTCHINSON & H. REISE 2013. A persisting population of an introduced slug, Milax nigricans, in Dunkirk, France.
Mitteilungen der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft89:35–38.
Abstract, pdf and update.
A.M. PĂPUREUANU, H. REISE, & A. VARGA 2014. First records of the invasive slug Arion lusitanicus auct. non Mabille (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Arionidae) in Romania.
Malacologica Bohemoslovaca13:6–11.
Abstract and pdf.
J.M.C. HUTCHINSON, H. REISE & D.G. ROBINSON 2014. A biography of an invasive terrestrial slug: the spread, distribution and habitat of Deroceras invadens.
Neobiota23: 17–64.
Abstract, pdf, and update.
J.M.C. HUTCHINSON & H. REISE 2014. Buchbesprechung [Review of “Rowson et al. 2014. Slugs of Britain and Ireland”].
Mitteilungen der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft92: 67–69.
Link to journal issue, including English translation.
J.M.C. HUTCHINSON & H. REISE 2015. Mating in Ariunculus isselii, an arionid slug without a spermatophore. Journal of Molluscan Studies81: 247–258.
Abstract and pdf.
A. LUDWIG, H. REISE & J.M.C. HUTCHINSON 2015. Die Nacktschneckenfauna in Gärten der Stadt Görlitz (Sachsen,
Deutschland). Berichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft der Oberlausitz23: 43–57.
Abstract and pdf.
J.M.C. HUTCHINSON & H. REISE 2015. An invasion from Germany; Deroceras invadens (Pulmonata, Agriolimacidae) and other synanthropic slugs in the southwest corner of Poland. Folia Malacologica23: 301–307.
Abstract and pdf.
J.M.C. HUTCHINSON, H. REISE & G. SKUJIENĖ 2017. Life cycles and adult sizes of five co-occurring species of Arion slugs. Journal of Molluscan Studies83: 88–105.
Abstract and pdf.
J.E. MAUNDER, R.G. NOSEWORTHY, J.M.C. HUTCHINSON & H. REISE 2017. Terrestrial molluscs of the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Part 1: Boettgerillidae. Checklist13: 277–284.
Abstract and pdf.
T. VON PROSCHWITZ, H. REISE, B. SCHLITT & K. BREUGELMANS 2017. Records of the slugs Ariolimax columbianus (Ariolimacidae) and Prophysaon foliolatum (Arionidae) imported into Sweden. Folia Malacologica25: 267–271.
Abstract and pdf.
H. REISE, B. SCHLITT & J.M.C. HUTCHINSON 2018. Bericht über die 33. Regionaltagung des Arbeitskreises Ost der DMG in Ostritz bei Görlitz vom 23. bis 25. September 2016: Mollusken des Rotsteins bei Sohland, Sachsen. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft98: 35–44.
Abstract and pdf.
H. REISE & T. VON PROSCHWITZ 2018. Schneckenhaltige Blumensträuße aus Übersee. GfBS Newsletter34: 12–15.
Issue as a pdf to download.
H. REISE, Z. ARSLANGÜNDOĞDU, B. SCHLITT, J.M.C. HUTCHINSON, E. HIZAL & E. BACACK 2018. First records of the terrestrial slug Arion ater s.l. (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pulmonata: Arionidae) from Turkey. Folia Malacologica26: 213–220.
Abstract and pdf.
J.M.C. HUTCHINSON, B. SCHLITT & H. REISE 2019. Monacha claustralis (Rossmässler 1834), a hygromiid snail new to Germany. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft100: 17–22.
Abstract and pdf.
H. REISE 2019. Andrzej Wiktor (1931–2018). Berichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft der Oberlausitz27: 221–223.
Download pdf from journal.
H. REISE, A.-K. SCHWARZER, J.M.C. HUTCHINSON & B. SCHLITT 2020. Genital morphology differentiates three subspecies of the terrestrial slug Arion ater (Linnæus, 1758) s.l. and reveals a continuum of intermediates with the invasive A. vulgaris Moquin-Tandon, 1855. Folia Malacologica28: 1–34.
Abstract and pdf.
H. REISE & J.M.C. HUTCHINSON 2020. Ein Hoch auf die gute alte Morphologie! Unterarten und Hybriden von großen Wegschnecken. GfBS Newsletter37: 34–39. Link to journal, pdf of our article.
J.M.C. HUTCHINSON, B. SCHLITT, T. KOŘÍNKOVÁ, H. REISE & G.M. BARKER 2020. Genetic evidence illuminates the origin and global spread of the slug Deroceras invadens. Journal of Molluscan Studies86: 306–322. Abstract and pdf.
I.K. DEDOV, U.E SCHNEPPAT, H. REISE & M. QUANG VU 2020. First record of an agriolimacid slug in Southeast Asia—Deroceras laeve (O. F. Müller, 1774) (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) recently introduced to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Biodiversity Data Journal8: e59644. Abstract and pdf.
J.M.C. HUTCHINSON, H. REISE & B. SCHLITT 2020. Mating behaviour and genital anatomy of Deroceras cecconii (Pollonera, 1896), a widespread but overlooked slug from Italy, now introduced to eastern Germany. Archiv für Molluskenkunde149: 221–236. Abstract and video.
J.M.C. HUTCHINSON, B. SCHLITT & H. REISE 2021. One town’s invasion by the pest slug Arion vulgaris (Gastropoda: Arionidae): microsatellites reveal little introgression from Arion ater and limited gene flow between infraspecific races in both species. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society134: 835850. Abstract and links to article, data.
H. REISE, J. SIMCHEN, C. TLUSTE & J.M.C. HUTCHINSON 2021. Ein vitales Vorkommen von Lucilla scintilla R. T. Lowe 1852 in Cottbus, Südost-Brandenburg (Gastropoda: Helicodiscidae). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft106: 21–26.
Abstract and pdf.
U. JUEG, H. REISE, & H. KELM 2022. Limacus maculatus (Kaleniczenko 1851) in Niedersachsen (Gastropoda: Limacidae). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft107: 9–14.
Abstract and pdf
H. REISE 2021. Dr. Gisela Vater (3.1.1925 – 4.9.2021). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft107: 61–65.
Abstract and pdf
G. KRONENBERG & H. REISE 2023. On the search for a conchological holy grail, the F.H.W. Martini (1729–1778) shell collection—a progress report Archiv für Molluskenkunde152: 71–80.
Abstract and link to (paywalled) article.
Á. TURÓCI, J.M.C. HUTCHINSON, B. SCHLITT, H. REISE, M. RAPALA & B. PÁLL-GERGELY 2023. Five new introduced terrestrial slugs in Hungary. BioInvasions Records12: 711–729. Abstract and pdf.
H. REISE 2023. In memoriam Gisela Vater (3.1.1925 bis 4.9.2021) Konservatorin für Mollusken am Staatlichen Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz. Berichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft der Oberlausitz31: 121–128.
Download pdf from journal.
B.M.J. WILLIAMS, J.M.C. HUTCHINSON, H. REISE, O. ZAUDER & B. SCHLITT 2024. Difficulties in distinguishing Monacha claustralis from M. cartusiana in Germany and Poland. Journal of Molluscan Studies 90: eyae030. Abstract and links to article, data
B. KLAUSNITZER & H. REISE 2024. Die Kartäuserschnecke, Monacha cartusiana (O. F. Müller, 1774), ist in der Oberlausitz angekommen. Berichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft der Oberlausitz32: 269–272.
Download pdf from journal.